Monday, November 23, 2015

ILP Design - Edmodo

For my second ILP I created a 6th grade teachers Edmodo site.  I remember using this website in high school.  It was fun creating my own class's Edmodo.
My group code is: jbudtt

ILP “Design” – Prezi

For my first independent learning project I created a prezi.  My content is a kindergarten lesson on shapes.  I enjoyed learning how to use prezi and I think it's a great and creative tool to use in the future.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Post 10!

1) This weeks assignment was to make a PowerPoint Interaction.  I created a movie quiz.  I have learned a lot about PowerPoint in this class.  One being the buttons available to send you to another slide by clicking on the shape.   What I liked about this assignment would have to be the creative room we had.  I enjoyed being able to explore the different designs.  In my future teaching career.  I think it will be a fun activity to create quizzes on lessons learned.  Maybe do it as a class, or in teams.

2) The Data Collection tools are a new tool to me.  I think as a teacher they will be very handy.  I could use them to see the students progress and understanding of the lesson taught.  I can also use it to see if the students enjoyed the lesson, why or why not.  I would really love to teach Kindergarten.  If I do teach kindergarten, I do not think this tool will be very handy, because I am not sure if the students will understand the tools.  If I were teaching an older age, like fourth or fifth grade.  I think this would be a useful tool.

3) After looking at my classmates blogs, I found the flipped classroom a very interesting topic.  I think the idea of students being able to ask questions on the work instead of have questions at home is a new and creative way of teaching!  I do not think it would work with the younger ages, but starting around fourth or fifth grade, I think this would be an effective way of teaching.

4) A technology skill I would like to learn next, would be photo and video editing.  With this skill, I believe I would have different and creative lessons through out the year.  

5) To achieve my future educational technology-related goals, I need to explore technology.  I think going to the tech sandbox will help a lot.  Also researching and learning how to use different programs will help me reach my goals, as well as help with my future classrooms.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Blog Post 9

1) A flipped classroom is a new and different way of learning.  Students listen and watch lectures at home and do homework in the classroom.  This is designed to designate classroom time for students to get help on the topic.  There is much to learn about the flipped classroom.
Educational Video:
2) An interesting web-based resource for teachers is  This website has helpful ideas for all elementary grade levels and subjects.  It has videos, presentations, worksheets, morning work and much more for all teachers.
I think as a teacher, I may use this webiste when looking for new ways to teach a lesson.  Different ways of working lessons keeps the classroom interesting and the students engaged.
3) While working with PowerPoint I have acquired a few new skills.  Before the PowerPoint for Information Dissemination project I thought I knew everything about PowerPoint.  I have now learned a lot about transitions, animations, sounds and much more.  I enjoyed creating the game for a classroom it is definitely something I will use when becoming a teacher.  Hopefully teaching Kindergarten, I will make the game and layout easier, but it is definitely a great skill.  In the future I may focus on one subject instead of a broad review.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Post #7

1. Power point is used in so many ways.  To teach Bloom's Taxonomy in a lesson, one could use power point to present the entire lesson.  The Power point could include the pyramid along with many other pictures.  It could also include videos, text, and website links for the teacher to click on throughout the lesson.
2. Adaptive technologies include joy sicks and voice recognition.  In the classroom, challenges to using adaptive technologies could be learning disabilities, two could be deaf or blind students.
3.While working on the Web Page Design I learned that there are a lot of useful resources for teachers to use when making their own web page.  I also learned that these websites will make it easier for me to create one, because I do not know much about new technologies, and I know as I get older there will be so much more to know!  I liked the assignment, but I think I would have liked a new layout and pictures.  I would love to get more creative.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Blog Post 6

1) Looking at schools websites, it seems that they are very simple and have all information needed.  I am looking at elementary classrooms, all of the class pages have information for their class. For example, homework for that night, class pictures, and important dates.  On the home page is the address, history about the school, and all administration information.  It also has links to classrooms and much more.
2)As a teacher, I will use technology a lot.  As a (hopefully) kindergarten teacher I will use it for my classroom website.  I will also use it for parent information.  I would also use it for classroom presentations and games.  I will not use it with the students that much, because they will just be learning about technology.
3)Working on the Web Resource Evaluation was an interesting assignment.  I think it helped me learn what kinds of websites I will want to use as an educator, as well as how to figure out if it is a reliable website.  I liked how I was able to learn a little bit about creating a website, but I did not like the website itself.  I found it kind of confusing, but I think if I took the time to explore the site, I would understand it better. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog Post #4

  • Standard: MAFS.K.CC.1.1 Count to 100 by 1's and 10's
  • Simulations
  • I would use this website for fun games to learn how to count
2. The internet can be a useful for students to research topics and create projects.  As a kindergarten teacher I believe that I would use the internet for fun and new games for the kids to learn simple math and reading.  The internet is not useful when it is used too much.  If all the students do are use computers and the internet for research, the teacher will have no impact on them and the students will not have hands on learning.  

3.  In the past, the only time I have used the computer is to research, make projects and write papers.  The internet was used in almost every class in high school.  I would use it when I did not understand homework and to research for papers and projects.  

4.  The web hunt assignment helped me learn how to narrow down my research and get to my answer quicker through google.  

Questions: 1.  Find a website to help your class learn site words.
2.  Find pictures to present in class before learning about the roaring 20's.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog Post #3

  1. The infographic I chose is found at  This graphic is very eye catching.  It uses a bright blue and black.  There are various charts that show he way pinterest has impacted people and businesses. It uses  pictures, graphs, and much more.  This a very appealing infographic that has a lot of information.  
  2. Chapter 9 of our textbook talks a lot about software and applications available for education.  As a Kindergarten teacher a lot of social media and other software's will be too complicated for 5 and 6 year old students.  In my classroom, I can see myself using some applications.  One I would use is interactive programs for myself and the kids.  For example, a smartboard that both myself and my students can use.
  3. Working on the Newsletter I realized that I don't know as much about word that I thought I did.  For one, I forgot how to use word art.  Another thing I didn't know how to do was making columns.  At first, I had to trouble with making it work but I finally got it.  I really liked this assignment, because I got to be creative and it got me excited to become a teacher. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Post #2

  • MS Word has been used in my education since Kindergarten.  I have written papers, done projects and much more on Word.  I have seen teachers write countless tests on Word.  They have also used it for notes, study guides, project instructions and so much more.  Something new that I learned about word is the Smart Art link.  I think that this will help a lot when creating charts for the classroom.
  • Throughout my years at school I have has experience with copyright and fair use of materials.  I have been able to use songs and videos in presentations, because they were not put out on the internet and it was not used for profit.  When writing papers, we must be extra careful when referencing someone else’s findings, because if it is not cited correctly, that is plagiarism.  As a teacher I will use pictures, videos and some songs in presentations, but I will never use them for profit.  When teaching kindergarten, I don’t think my student will have to worry about this yet, but if I were to teach an older group, they will have to learn all about copyright and fair use before doing any assignments.

  • As we use twitter for this class, I have learned how to connect with other educators and peers in this class.  When using social media in the future I think that it will help tremendously for my lesson plans.  Especially as a new teacher, social media may help a lot.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Blog Post #1

  • I think computers are becoming an important part in people's education.  Starting even in kindergarten the children are learning how to use computer programs in their classes.  Many concerns come up when using computers in a classroom.  An example is students handwriting and spelling.  As students begin to start typing assignments, they stop writing and if teachers don't make them write much, their handwriting will get worse and worse.  Also, many students don't know how to read or write cursive which is very surprising.  I know that I use spell check ALL the time, because I am a horrible speller.  If kids learn how to use programs like word at a young age, they will learn how to use spell check instead of being able to spell the words out. I do agree with the issues raised in the chapters.  I am majoring in elementary education and I have mixed feelings about technology in classrooms, but the issues raised in the chapter are very important.
  • As an elementary education major I know that technology will be a part of my teaching career.  I would love to be a kindergarten teacher.  In my classroom I will use a smart board or projector and do the work with the students if it is on paper.  I will also probably have math and reading programs that the students will use. In this class I hope to learn creative ways to keep kindergartners interested.
  • I agree with the term digital native.  Kids who have been born in the past few years grew up around technology.  They can turn on computer and get on the internet.  Others know how to use iPhones and other technology.  Digital immigrants are people who didn't grow up with technology.  An example would be a teacher who has never used a smart board or maybe new programs,  I have been in classes where a teacher is a digital immigrant and i wasn't a bad class, but the teacher had long lectures and the teacher wrote everything out.  Sometimes our tests would be copied written questions.  I think my future students will know technology better or as well as I do.  Since I will be teaching Kindergarten it will depend on how much their parents show them.

My Twitter Username:

Monday, August 24, 2015

Blog Post #0

Prior experiences using technology
Prior to this class, I would say I have a pretty good idea about how to use technology.  I know how to use most of the Microsoft programs, and the internet pretty well.  My iPhone is always in my hand or in my pocket,  so I know how to use that very well.  I am on many social media sights right now, so I would say that I know social media very well.

What you hope to learn in this class
In this class I hope to learn how to use different programs and touch up on the skills I already know.  I would also like to learn how I can use technology in my future classroom.  From social media for the students to communicate with me, to presentations in the classroom.

What you learned about your own learning style today
My results from the Leaning Style questionnaire show that I am in the range from about 1-3, with the exception of the 5 in VRB.  If scores are in the range of 1-3 that means I am pretty well balanced in those categories.  In the first category I lean more towards the reflective learner, which means I tend to see the facts and try to memorize them.  It is suggested that when studying I need to do more than just try and memorize the material.  I am a pretty well balanced sensing and intuitive learner. My results also show that I am a verbal learner instead of a visual learner.  I have noticed this all throughout my schooling.  Lastly, I have a 3 in sequential learning.  This means I like to learn things step by step.