Monday, November 16, 2015

Post 10!

1) This weeks assignment was to make a PowerPoint Interaction.  I created a movie quiz.  I have learned a lot about PowerPoint in this class.  One being the buttons available to send you to another slide by clicking on the shape.   What I liked about this assignment would have to be the creative room we had.  I enjoyed being able to explore the different designs.  In my future teaching career.  I think it will be a fun activity to create quizzes on lessons learned.  Maybe do it as a class, or in teams.

2) The Data Collection tools are a new tool to me.  I think as a teacher they will be very handy.  I could use them to see the students progress and understanding of the lesson taught.  I can also use it to see if the students enjoyed the lesson, why or why not.  I would really love to teach Kindergarten.  If I do teach kindergarten, I do not think this tool will be very handy, because I am not sure if the students will understand the tools.  If I were teaching an older age, like fourth or fifth grade.  I think this would be a useful tool.

3) After looking at my classmates blogs, I found the flipped classroom a very interesting topic.  I think the idea of students being able to ask questions on the work instead of have questions at home is a new and creative way of teaching!  I do not think it would work with the younger ages, but starting around fourth or fifth grade, I think this would be an effective way of teaching.

4) A technology skill I would like to learn next, would be photo and video editing.  With this skill, I believe I would have different and creative lessons through out the year.  

5) To achieve my future educational technology-related goals, I need to explore technology.  I think going to the tech sandbox will help a lot.  Also researching and learning how to use different programs will help me reach my goals, as well as help with my future classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Mary! Photo and video editing are great skills to learn and they will definitely enhance projects for your future classroom!
